Environmental and social impact and monitoring

Solid multidisciplinary team with both national and international experience.

EHS Techniques has extensive experience in providing complete assistance in authorization processes and environmental assessment in any of the phases of the projects.

We have a high experience in obtaining permits, based on meeting deadlines.

Our multidisciplinary team has an extensive experience in carrying out:

  • Environmental impact assessments, both in national and international level and its associated studies: Landscape integration, Non-affectation of the Natura 2000 Network, Wildlife monitoring (Birds, Bats, Marine Mammals…), Archaeology, etc.
  • Environmental monitoring plans both on land and at sea, including Off-shore
  • Baseline studies.
  • Advice on MTDs and VLE.
  • Identification of stakeholders.
  • Environmental risks assessments.
  • Inventories of greenhouse effect emissions.
  • Socio-economic studies and social management of projects.

At EHS Techniques we know the requirements of each Administration, and for this reason we can prepare the Environmental Impact Assessments and the Environmental Surveillance Plans meeting your expectations, with an investment adjusted to your needs.

Our technicians have carried out Environmental Impact Assessments and its associated studies, both for the public sector (energy infrastructures, water management, transport or communication routes, among others), as well as for the private sector for companies in the energy, gas&oil, chemical and manufacturing sectors.

Case Studies