Framework contract for technical assistance for the social relationship in biomethane projects.

EHS Techniques provides technical assistance services to obtain the social license to operate in numerous biomethane plant projects of some of the main developers in the country. Through a framework contract, EHS Techniques offers technical support in social relations in the territory to the projects requested by the client in their different phases and needs.

Social and environmental impact study for three refineries of YPF Argentina

YPF developed the NEC 10 PPM FEED phase Project to comply with the feul environmental requirements for its complexes in Luján de Cuyo (Mendoza), La Plata (Buenos Aires) and Plaza Huincul (Neuquen). In order to obtain its subsequent environmental permits and obtain financing from the World Bank, EHS Techniques prepared the Social and Environmental Impact[…]

ESG and EDD Audit of a residential complex in Madrid

EHS Techniques has advised a well-known Project Management firm in conjunction with an investment fund to perform the due diligence audit of the environmental liabilities that this acquisition could generate. In addition, an environmental taxonomy compliance and major adverse impact (PAI) analysis was performed, which included modeling with the CRREM model of the decarbonization of[…]

EDD of a Portfolio of 10 student residences

EHS Techniques has advised a well-known investment firm with the due diligence audit of the environmental liabilities that such acquisition could generate. The residential projects ranged from land to be built, others already under construction and some already completed and even in operation. Our reports were also used in the financing process of the operation[…]

EIA: Annual cycle of avifauna, bats and key species for the EIA of a photovoltaic plant in the province of Malaga.

Ciclo anual de avifauna

Within the framework of an environmental assessment study for the implementation of a photovoltaic plant in the province of Malaga, an annual cycle survey of avifauna, bats and key species is carried out in order to identify the species present in the area, assess the impacts on them and propose moderating and corrective measures to[…]

EIA: Annual cycle of avifauna, bats and key species for the EIA of a photovoltaic plant in the province of Alicante.

Ciclo anual de avifauna

Within the framework of an environmental assessment study for the implementation of a photovoltaic plant in the province of Alicante, an annual cycle survey of avifauna, bats and key species is carried out in order to identify the species present in the area, assess the impacts on them and propose moderating and corrective measures to[…]

PVA: Avifauna and Chiroptera survey prior to works on the Martín Gil Viaduct (Zamora).

Nidos de Avión Común

Prior to the repair work on the Martín Gil Viaduct, which crosses the Ricobayo reservoir, species that could nest or seek refuge in the infrastructure itself and in adjacent areas that could be affected by the work were identified. After identifying these species, corrective measures were proposed to make the presence of these species in[…]

Implementation of the social engagement expert in renewable energy and gas projects

EHS Techniques has a network of territorial social engagement experts throughout the Spanish territory. This figure enables close engagement with the agents of the territory, promoting the legitimacy of the project and active listening to them. These actions allow us to work towards the social license to operate (LSO) of the projects and their advantageous[…]

Leak detection and fugitive emissions estimates of natural gas transportation.

EHS Techniques was commissioned for a three year LDAR survey of a Natural Gas transportation network in Europe. During the 2013-2015 survey, a total of 120 regulation nodes, 15 compression stations, 3 LNG plants and 3 deep underground storage facilities (onshore & offshore) were monitored.

Client specific factors has resulted in an underestimation of 8% to 9% compared to those average HFS emission factors basically because there were some type of components without specific fac- tors (big flanges, pig traps, big connectors, etc.) and the lack of enough representative HFS results.

Results will be used to report GHG fugitive emissions of the company and future surveys are now in development.

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